During these uncertain times, we realize that making an investment in a GradWeek Trip can be a difficult decision. That is why we created the GradWeek Confidence Guarantee! We want you to feel confident that we will give you the best possible options for payments, cancellations, trip changes, etc. during these challenging COVID-19 times.
Special Flexibility for Groups and Tour Participants
For GradWeek 2021 Groups – If closures, government regulations, or travel restrictions due to COVID-19 prevent the delivery of the Group’s tour date, the Group can move or postpone the tour with no fees change fees, or choose to cancel the trip. Should a group decide to cancel, each participant will pay only a $300 cancellation fee for air tours and a $95 cancellation fee for bus tours. Otherwise, all normal terms & conditions and penalty fees will apply.
Special Flexibility for Payments and Cancellations
For GradWeek 2021 Groups – We have modified our current payment and cancellation policy to give our participants more options and less monetary commitment. While some form of progress payment is still required, we have moved our $250 mandatory minimum in progress payments from December 1, 2020, to January 1, 2021. Additionally, participants will have up to March 1, 2021, to cancel with only a $150 cancel fee per person.
Special Flexibility for Travel Destinations
For GradWeek 2021 Groups – If closures, government regulations, or travel restrictions due to COVID-19 prevent travel to your destination, your group can request to change to one of our other destinations without any change fee. Simply pay any difference in price or receive any difference in price back if the requested destination is less.
Special GradWeek Insurance
As part of the GradWeek tour package, each participant receives a comprehensive travel insurance policy coverage for trip cancellation, trip delay, lost baggage, and medical injury. Upon final payment, you will receive the policy with exact coverages and/or limitations.
Confidence in GradWeek
- Hygiene –GradWeek Masks and Hand Sanitizer will be provided to all our participants upon arrival to their destination.
- Safety Briefing – Along with our standard Welcome Orientation, GradWeek Staff will provide COVID-19 Safety Information and/or protocols.
- At the Hotel –Our hotel partners are deep cleaning and modifying everything from check-in to the way you use the elevator. GradWeek will also offer affordable rooming occupancy fees for participants who are in or request a reduced room occupancy.
- Adjusted Events – GradWeek is in-the-know with all the venues we utilize and sites we visit. If necessary at the time of travel, we will adjust your schedule to maximize your experiences each day to account for any new rules for capacity management, social distancing, outdoor events, masks, and any additional precautions that may need to be in place during your trip.
- On the Airplane – Our airline partners have new cleaning protocols and are establishing new guidelines, like loading and unloading procedures, to help keep the cabin crew and participants safe.
- On the Bus – Our bus partners have new cleaning protocols and are establishing new guidelines, like loading and unloading procedures, to help keep drivers and participants safe.
- Venues – When GradWeek is selecting venues, we will use our local knowledge and strong relationships to choose spots following strict local guidelines and hygiene practices.
A division of International Student Tours, Inc. (ISTours)